Ubiquiti Stock Alert – Popular Lines Back in Stock!

We have a quick update for any customers interested in our extensive range of Ubiquiti products. Our latest Ubiquiti order has arrived and some of the more popular out of stock products are now available to purchase.

Stock is very limited and certain lines have already sold out on pre-order, so if you need any of the items listed below, please place your order without delay!

The following stock is now available for immediate dispatch (subject to our same-day dispatch cut-off time of 3:30pm).

ACB-ISP 229 ES-48-500W 3 POE-48-24W(EU) 50 UC-CK 632
AF-5G23-S45 35 ES-48-LITE 6 R5AC-LITE 56 UF-MM-1G 58
AF-5G30-S45 15 ES-8-150W 50 RD-5G30-LW 30 UF-MM-1G-20 8
AF-5XHD-EU 58 ETH-SP-G2 107 RP-5AC-GEN2 50 UF-RJ45-1G 73
AM-5AC21-60 20 INS-3AF-I-G 233 TC-PRO 113 UF-SM-1G-S 13
AM-5G17-90 34 IS-5AC 40 U-POE-AF-EU 509 UOC-0.5 94
AM-5G19-120 20 LBE-5AC-GEN2 352 UAP-3-U 42 US-16-150W 151
AM-5G20-90 20 LOCOM2 196 UAP-AC-M-PRO-5 21 US-24-250W 59
AMO-2G10 16 NBE-5AC-GEN2 0 UAP-AC-M 120 US-24-500W 66
AMO-5G10 50 NBE-M5-16 116 UAP-AC-PRO-E 771 US-24 125
EP-54V-150W-EU 10 NS-5ACL 437 UAP-NANOHD-3 20 US-48 100
EP-R6-EU 10 PAK-620 23 UAP-NANOHD-5 16 US-8-60W 257
ER-X-SFP-U 20 PBE-5AC-400-ISO 36 UAP-NANOHD 400 UVC-G3-AF 234
ES-12F-U 20 POE-24-12W(EU) 50 UAP-XG 15 UVC-G3-DOME 40
ES-16-150W 29 POE-24-24W(EU) 100 UB-AM 1222 UVC-G3-LED 246

Our next Ubiquiti shipment is due in late October, we will update the site once we have a more accurate delivery date.

About James

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