New Ubiquiti LTU Product Range Now in Stock

LinITX is pleased to announce the Ubiquiti LTU range of products is now available in our online store.

The Ubiquiti LTU range comprises of:

Ubiquiti LTU Point-to-MultiPoint 5GHz Subscriber Station – LTU-Lite

Ubiquiti LTU Point-to-MultiPoint 5GHz High-performance Subscriber Station – LTU-PRO

Ubiquiti 5 GHz PtMP LTU BaseStation Radio – LTU-ROCKET

*Ubiquiti 5 GHz PtMP LTU Long-Range Client – LTU-LR (not currently available in the UK, only available in the US as Early Access)

We will be updating our blog with a quick-start guide in the near future, which will run through some set-up features and how best to configure the hardware.

If you have any technical queries relating to the UBNT LTU range of products, please contact our technical team on 01449 724255 or email

About James

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